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Our Story: Our Reason



Bringing together all generations for the common purpose of enriching lives, empowering families, strengthening communities, and eliminating ageism.

Social isolation, loneliness, and suicidal tendencies are conditions often associated with the elderly. However, these issues have sharply increased across younger generations (Herring, 2019). Traditionalists to Gen Z report a loss of purpose, disconnect from others, lack of social interaction, an increasing number of health issues associated with loneliness, and declining number of friends. These conditions have not only isolated individuals from their own peers but have contributed to becoming an age-segregated society especially in underserved populations.


We need fulfilling relationships with individuals our own age and across the generations to lead lives that are productive and rich in meaning and purpose (Herring, 2019). Programs that promote connectedness between young children and older adults and dispel ageism have proven to benefit the young and the old. Research indicates intergenerational programs fostering meaningful cross-age relationships result in decreased social isolation, and increased sense of belonging, self-esteem and well-being of older adults while improving academic, social, and emotional skills of children, youths, and young adults.


Research further indicates an interprofessional approach can be a significant catalyst for building and strengthening communities in underserved communities. It provides opportunities for different generations to learn together, integrate ideas, gain wisdom, and go beyond traditional ways of thinking. An interprofessional approach in program settings can be beneficial to bridging the divide between older and younger generations as well as fostering collaboration and support across different generations. Research has linked interprofessional approach to dispelling ageism, preserving cultural values, promoting intergenerational unity, and addressing social determinants of health. Using an interprofessional approach can provide an opportunity for older and younger generations to pass along skills, experiences, and potentially develop lifelong relationships and bonds.


“Addressing social determinants is at the heart of the Climate and Culture Changers organization.”


Climate and Culture Changers is an organization that focuses on improving the lives of children, adolescents, and communities. Addressing social determinants is at the heart of the Climate and Culture Changers organization. Our purpose is to use intergenerational and interprofessional approaches to education, training, and development to address social determinates of health, promote life-long learning, and build collaborative communities through intergenerational interactions. The organization acts as a catalyst for stimulating collaboration among different generations providing a platform where generations can share experiences and use their skills in real world settings to gain enrichment and mastery.

Our organization acts as a catalyst for stimulating collaboration among different generations providing a platform where generations can share experiences and use their skills in real world settings to gain enrichment and mastery.
Our Mission

Our Mission

To use an intergenerational and interprofessional approach to education, training, and development with the purpose of addressing social determinants of health, promoting life-long learning, and building a collaborative community.

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Our Vision

We envision a world where all generations are united for the common purpose of enriching lives, empowering families, strengthening communities, and eliminating ageism.

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